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Open Source Container Management Platform

What are we trying to achieve with containers?
  • Enable application teams to innovate faster
  • Achieve consistent, immutable ops
  • Disconnect apps from infrastructure dependencies
Suse rancher

Primary Use Cases

Fast and scalable
Mostly customer facing
Differentiate in ultracompetitive market

Use best infrastructure for each use case
Optimized costs, scalability and resiliency

Redesign to leverage microservices
Rehost parts of traditional application using containers

  • Building cloudnative apps
  • Modernizing & scaling infra
  • Re-architecting monoliths

Multi-cluster Kubernetes Management Everywhere

SUSE Rancher addresses the needs of DevOps teams deploying applications with Kubernetes and IT operations delivering enterprise-critical services.

  • Supports any Certified Kubernetes Distribution
  • Simplifies Multi-Cluster Operations
  • Unifies Security, Policy, and User Management
  • Drives Adoption with Shared Tools & Services

Streamlined Day 2 Kubernetes Operations

Once you’ve provisioned a Kubernetes cluster with SUSE Rancher, operations are centralized and administrators can deal with all aspects of Day 2 operations. From one console, administrators can monitor any cluster in any location, upgrade Kubernetes versions, backup etcd and recover degraded clusters.

Full lifecycle management for hosted Kubernetes clusters

Run on SUSE for superior reliability and security for your business-critical workloads on AWS EKS, Microsoft AKS and Google GKE. Give operators full lifecycle management of the most popular cloud-hosted distributions including node management and autoscaling, from a single pane of glass. Import, provision, upgrade, and configure and secure clusters across all three providers directly using the SUSE Rancher’s new unified, intuitive user experience. Additionally, SUSE Rancher managed deployments support CIS templating and scanning to minimize configuration drift between clusters.

Centralized Kubernetes Security

SUSE Rancher admins can work with their security team to centrally define how users should interact with managed Kubernetes clusters and how containerized workloads should operate. Once polices have been defined, assigning them to any Kubernetes cluster is instantaneous.

GitOps at Scale for Edge Clusters

SUSE Rancher Continuous Delivery allows for maximum cluster consistency from core to cloud to edge. SUSE Rancher supports from 1 to 1,000,000 clusters from a single console with built-in security capabilities, running any CNCF-certified Kubernetes distribution. By streamlining application delivery across any infrastructure in any location, enterprises can use SUSE Rancher to accelerate their journey towards true digital transformation.