Unified observability and security

A Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ and ranked #1 in the Critical Capabilities for APM and Observability reports
See why we’re positioned furthest for Vision and highest for Execution in the Magic Quadrant, and ranked #1 in all Use Cases in the Critical Capabilities Report for Application Performance Monitoring and Observability.
Empower every team to do more with data
Break down silos and proactively prevent issues before they affect end users.
Deliver experiences customers love
And increase conversions up to 32%
Innovate faster with higher quality
And deliver better software up to 4x faster
Keep services reliable and resilient
And reduce time spent on vulnerabilities up to 95%
Operate efficiently and securely
And reduce support tickets by up to 99%
650+ supported technologies
We’re open and extensible, and integrate with all major cloud platforms and solutions.
Typical Use Cases and Proof Points
Operational Resilience
ROI Opportunity: Reduce mean time to resolution of issues and reduce the number of required resources
- Proof points:
- Problem tickets
- Root-cause
- Determination of end-user or service impact
- Reduce alert storms by finding only faulty tiers
- Availability of system during peak and low traffic times
Staff Productivity
ROI Opportunity: Increase market share by increasing feature set and focusing on innovation rather than troubleshooting
- Proof points:
- Monitor current and future technologies
- Application/Environment changes tracked automatically
- Can be leveraged in both non-prod and prod
Cost Savings
ROI Opportunity: Reduce costs associated with disparate tools, training, and maintenance
- Proof points:
- Quick installation (fully automated)
- True full-stack monitoring
- Monitor all technologies discretely
- Integration with other enterprise technologies / platforms
- Fully automatic updates / upgrades
Business Agility
ROI Opportunity: Increase conversion rate by understanding true user performance and behavioral workflows
- Proof points:
- User experience and backend performance correlation
- How performance affects conversion rate
- Discrete user session tracking
- Reports to showcase changes